There has rarely been a better season for small handbags. Everywhere I look, some designer has gotten smart and come out with the perfect little bag. And I, for one, couldn’t be happier. I love handbags. Always have. Part of it, I am sure, has to do with the fact that a chic handbag makes me feel fabulous no matter how much I weigh. Also, unless you buy something super trendy, they’re a good investment. But as of late, they’ve gotten really heavy. Like break your shoulder, strain you neck, wind up at the chiropractor heavy. Which is why I really appreciate small handbags. Especially in a bright color that packs a big punch.
In fact, these days, handbags are really pushing both extremes. They’re either huge, bordering on small suitcases, or lilliputian. The best small handbags, in my opinion, are:
- almost architectural in shape
- brightly colored
- big enough to hold your phone, cash, credit card & lipstick
Favorite Small Handbags
Mercedes Costillo, former designer for the likes of Donna Karan, Tod’s and Tory Burch, has recently started her own line of bags, shoes, jewelry and clothes. Everything is great, but I particularly love the Pom cross body bag. It reminds me of a beehive. Measuring just 7″ W x 5.5″H, it’s tiny. But powerful. Especially in Flamingo Pink or Marigold.
The Volume Clutch by Mansur Gavriel is a bit more traditional. Except for the fabric, suede, and the colors, a fabulous range from classic navy to peony pink to butter yellow. Ideal for year round wear, it totally fits my size criteria. Measuring 13.5″ W x 6.5″ H, it could actually fit your whole wallet. And oh, so cute.
This Leather Steamer Handbag in Blood Orange & Wine by DVF is the biggest bag on my list at 9.8″ W x 16.9″ H. But I couldn’t resist the fun shape or the polkadots. I am a sucker for a dot….
And last, I love this small Hammock Handbag from Loewe. Especially in yellow. It’s like a little shot of sunshine.
Now, none of these bags are cheap. They range in price from $495 for the clutch to $1990 for this little yellow wonder. But each one is the kind of bag that will make you feel like a million bucks. Kind of a deal when you think about it, right?