Laughter Really is the Best Medicine
December 1, 20151Comment

Laughter Really is the Best Medicine

A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.

  • William Arthur Ward

In my house, Thanksgiving is the official start of the holiday season, kicking off a six week period of family, friends, travel, parties, gift giving, cooking and stress. Lots and lots of stress. Which is frustrating since this is supposed to be “the happiest time of the year”. But honestly, it can just be too much. And I don’t know about you, but there’s something about the end of the year that compels me to scratch things off my “To Do” list. Even if said things have been on that list for over two years.

Between my family who I truly adore, but no one can push my buttons faster than my brother, my desire to find everyone the perfect gift without breaking the bank, and my compulsion to suddenly clean out the storage unit and alphabetize my vast recipe collection, I often find my fuse running a little short this time of year. Which isn’t great if you’re going to be around, say, your mother in law. So, what’s a girl to do?

First off, remember to make time for yourself. Most of us are so busy taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves. Which is when the fuse blows. And the words fly. And the tears flow. And… let’s just say it’s not pretty. Or fun. So, if you’ve got the time and the cash, schedule yourself a massage or a manicure/pedicure. Even 15 minutes of yoga can completely reframe your day. But, really, one of the simplest ways to destress is to simply laugh. I start everyday with the funnies. But if that’s not your thing, read Don Rickles’ book, watch Amy Schumer’s show, listen to David Sedaris on NPR or check out YouTube. I challenge you not to chuckle at the cat on the Roomba.

Laughter will keep you smiling even when your Mother says “Is that what you’re wearing?” just as you’re grabbing your coat to head out the door….

Photo Credit:  Jan Sarah Sink

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