Could These 4 Supplements Save Your Life?
February 5, 2021

Could These 4 Supplements Save Your Life?

Even though the pandemic is over a year old, there is still so much about it that is unknown. However, more and more research is coming out on things that you can do to protect yourself from getting Covid-19 and/or prevent a hospitalization situation if you do get it. Interestingly enough, on the supplement front, the four with the strongest track record are things that I already take to build up my immune system and keep those cancer cells on a permanent beach vacation. They include:

  • Vitamin D
  • Glutathione
  • Zinc
  • Melatonin

Could these 4 supplements save your life? If I were a Magic 8 Ball, I would answer: “Signs Point to Yes”. Here is a quick cheat sheet as to why.

Are You Vitamin D Deficient?

Vitamin D is essential for life. An adult needs 600 IU a day, 800 IU if you are over 70, but if you see an Eastern doctor, their IU recommendation may be much higher. Unfortunately, it is estimated that about half of the country’s population is vitamin D deficient. I was one of those people. In fact, I’ve heard it said that anyone who grew up in the Midwest or Northeast is vitamin D deficient since there isn’t enough sun in the winter to maintain healthy levels. So, if you don’t know your current vitamin D level, it is worth finding out. And if it is low, starting taking a supplement. I like this liquid version from Biotics Research: Bio-D-Mulsion Forte®.

The manufacturer is well respected and the liquid is both easy to digest and means that I don’t have to take a handful of pills. Always a plus.

Quality of Supplements Matters

It is really important that your supplements be good quality. This is an unregulated market in which there is a lot of fraud. High quality supplements may cost a bit more, but in the long run, this investment pays off. There are any number of good manufacturers, but here are a few of the companies whose names I trust:

  • Thorne®
  • Pure Encapsulations®
  • Jarrow Formulas®
  • American Health®
  • 365

Glutathione is a Game Changer

Up until year and half ago, I had never heard of glutathione or GSH. Thankfully, I started working with a functional medicine doctor who is a huge proponent of GSH. Now, I know why. Glutathione is a cellular antioxidant that can help your body:

  • Detoxify toxic compounds
  • Regenerate Vitamins C & E
  • Maintain mitochondrial function
  • Antiviral defense
  • Boost immune response

There is also significant evidence that glutathione deficiency accelerates aging and your risk of contracting certain icky diseases like, you guessed it, cancer and now, Covid-19. My levels were dangerously low. I got an immediate infusion and started this daily supplement from Pure Encapsulations®.

Again, it you haven’t had your levels tested, it might be a smart time to do so.

Zinc Boosts Your Immune System

Zinc is one of the first lines of defense for many when they get a cold. And while it definitely helps your immune system to work properly, zinc does so much more. It speeds up wound healing, can help with acne and prevents skin infections, which is really important these days with all of our hand washing. It also reduces oxidative stress, may help prevent metabolic syndrome and may delay the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Researchers in Spain have also found that Covid-19 patients with low levels of zinc fared worse than patients with healthier levels. While the research group was small, the findings were notable enough that I just added this Zinc supplement from Thorne® to my repertoire.

Melatonin for Sleep

Last, but not least, is melatonin. I take 20mg every night of this melatonin to help me fall sleep.

And boy does it work. Now, it won’t keep you asleep if your brain starts racing in the middle of the night, but it has certainly improved by overall ZZZ count. And as we all know, sleep is crucial for your health. But recent research is pointing to the fact that melatonin may also help to prevent Covid-19. There are many reasons, but one of the most important is that melatonin is an effective antiviral agent. Even if that turns out to not be the case, melatonin has a proven track record for reducing inflammation and increasing antioxidants, both of which are a win-win in my book.

So, there you go. Could these 4 supplements save your life? Who knows, but they certainly help to keep your immune system strong. And as I’ve said from the beginning, boosting your immune system is one of the few things that we can control on this crazy Covid ride so why not, right? At the very least, your skin will look better….