Green Tea Is Like Superman

Green Tea Is Like Superman

Green tea is like Superman – able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Only minus the tights. Which is probably a good thing since most of us wouldn’t look very good in that unitard anyway. But in all seriousness, there isn’t much, in terms of your health, that drinking green tea can’t improve.

Green tea is full of anti-oxidants that protect your skin cells from damage, and your body from disease. Oh, yeah, and drinking it can also make your skin look younger.

Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, but still enough to wake you up in the morning. Without the jitters, but with the added benefit of the amino acid L-theanine which has been proven to improve brain function.

Green tea may ramp up your metabolic rate so you burn more fat. The scientific community is still divided on this one, but really, who cares? If there’s even a chance that I could be thinner from drinking something, sign me up.

The catechins in green tea can kill bacteria. Which will definitely improve your dental health and could even help your body to fight off certain viruses. Which makes green tea a MUST during cold season.

Green tea may help prevent certain types of cancer. Studies show that the anti-oxidants in green tea can help reduce your risk of developing breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

Green tea can lower your bad cholesterol.  Which means it can help prevent cardiovascular disease.

So see, it’s like I said. Green tea is Superman.

Photo Credit: Aurelian Săndulescu (: via Compfight cc