The Double Face Wash: Definitely Worth It
July 19, 20161Comment

The Double Face Wash: Definitely Worth It

Korean women elevate skincare to an art form. Many practice a 10 step routine that leaves them looking ageless, yes, but really, who has the time? However, there is one thing that Korean women do that is definitely worth it: the Double Face Wash.

I have always practiced good skincare.  My habits started young, probably stemming from my obsession with the drugstore and all things “lotions & potions”, and they stood me well until I hit 35, and developed adult acne. And I’m not talking a little whitehead or two. I’m talking huge, swollen cystic zits that hurt like a mother, cover half my chin and take 2 months to disappear. Frantic, I rushed to the dermatologist who gave me a preventative zit cream. It helped a little. I changed my diet which helped the tone and texture of my skin a lot, but the big zits, not so much.  I changed my face cream, my sunscreen, my facial wash… well, you get the picture.

And then I read about the Double Face Wash. At first, I thought it sounded like a time consuming pain, but in all honesty, it only adds about 30 seconds to my routine. Which is a small price to pay for fewer zits. Do I still get cystic acne? Yes. Those hormones are a bitch. But I now get fewer of them and the ones that I do get aren’t as big. So, here’s my routine:

Wash First with An Oil Based Cleanser

I use the Facial Cleansing Crème from Acure. Acure Facial Cleansing CrèmeTotally natural with no parabens or sulfates, it contains argan oil and mint that gently cleanse the face without stripping it of its natural oils which can often be one of the main causes of zits.  The reason for an oil based cleanser is that it’s the best thing to remove any makeup, sunscreen and surface dirt, the latter being particularly important for anyone who lives in a city.

Wash Second with a Gentle Cleanser of Your Choice

I use the Gentle Skin Cleanser from Whole Foods.365 Facial Cleaning Cream
It’s basically their version of Cetaphil only without the parabens and sulfates. Make sure to get the one for “All Skin Types”, and after washing, splash enough water on your face to remove all of the cleanser. I tend to go with 20 splashes. The whole routine takes less than 3 minutes – a small price to pay for healthier skin.

Use a Sonic Cleansing Brush with Your Second Wash

Personally, I am obsessed with the Clarisonic. It is totally worth the money. The sonic bristles clean deep down in your pores, eliminately blackheads completely, while allowing any anti-oxidant serums or retinol creams to penetrate further into the skin, making them work better.

Since I live in Los Angeles which is a pretty polluted city, I do the Double Face Wash twice a day — morning and night. Neither of the cleansers that I use are expensive so trying this isn’t going to break the bank. If you’re worried about it being too much, too fast for your skin then just start by including it in your nighttime routine. I can promise that you’ll see a difference.


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